Narges Foundation Congratulates Dr. Kristian Berg Harpviken on New Role as Director of the Norwegian Nobel Institute

The Narges Foundation extends heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Kristian Berg Harpviken on his appointment as the new director of the Norwegian Nobel Institute. The foundation expressed its excitement and optimism about the significant contributions Dr. Harpviken will bring to the institute in his esteemed role.

“On behalf of the Narges Foundation, we congratulate you on becoming the new director of the Norwegian Nobel Institute! We are all very excited and wish you the best in your new role.”

Dr. Kristian Berg Harpviken will take over the director position from Dr. Olav Njølstad, who will retire by the end of the year. Dr. Njølstad has been the director of the Norwegian Nobel Institute for ten years, since 2015. Dr. Harpviken has been associated with the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) since 1993, serving as its director from 2009-2017. He currently holds the position of Research Professor.

Additionally, the Narges Foundation paid tribute to the outgoing director: “To Dr. Olav Njølstad, who will retire by the end of the year, it was a pleasure meeting you at the Nobel Peace Prize 2023. We will never forget your kindness, wisdom, and the profound impact you had on us.”

Dr. Harpviken, a sociologist by education, is also trained as a horticulturist and has worked as a farmer on his family farm for several years. He has had a long career in peace promotion and research, and is especially known for his expertise on Afghanistan. The 62-year-old has led the country office of the Norwegian Afghanistan Committee, among other positions.

As the Norwegian Nobel Institute transitions to new leadership, the Narges Foundation looks forward to continued collaboration and support for the institute’s mission of promoting peace and excellence.