Congratulations messages from the family of Narges Mohammadi on her 10th birthday in prison
Narges Mohammadi is spending her tenth birthday in prison. She’s 52 years old and faces over nine more years behind bars. Despite the time passing, she still can’t make phone calls or have visitors. She couldn’t even attend her father’s funeral.
How long will you keep us from hearing my sister’s voice?
Narges’ phone card has been disconnected since the 8th of 29 Nov 2023. After our father’s death, while it was expected that my sister would at least be allowed to attend the funeral, she was not permitted by prison authorities.What astonishes me is that it has been 54 days since our father’s passing, and Narges still hasn’t been allowed to express her condolences to me, who reside in Iran, at least via phone.She wasn’t allowed to make a phone call even for Nowruz to congratulate her family the new year.Today is Narges’ birthday, and none of our family members, even those inside Iran, were able to congratulate her on her birthday.
Narges jan,
Happy Birthday
Your brother, Mahdi
21th April 2024
Dear Narges,
Your voice has been deprived from us as well.
Today is your birthday,
it has been 144 days since I last heard your voice.
You are always on my mind.
Happy Birthday
Roya – Your sister
21th April 2024
Narges jan,
Your birthday is approaching. I know you longed to hear Baba jan’s voice, but they didn’t allow you to bid him farewell before he left. I know your eyes were filled with tears and they didn’t let your siblings soothe you. Know that your birthday is the best day for your family and our hearts are always with you.
Happy birthday.
Your brother, Hamid
21th April 2024.
تا کی نخواهید گذاشت صدای خواهرم را بشنوم؟
تلفن نرگس از تاریخ هشتم آذر سال گذشته۱۴۰۲ تا امروز قطع است.
- پس از درگذشت پدرم در حالی که انتظار میرفت خواهرم حداقل برای خاکسپاری اجازه حضور یابد، اجازه داده نشد.
- آنچه مرا حیرت زده کرده این است که از زمان درگذشت پدرم ۵۴ روز می گذرد و نرگس هنوز اجازه نیافته تا حداقل از طریق تلفن به من که در ایران ساکنم، تسلیت بگوید.
- به مناسبت عید نوروز هم اجازه تلفن به او داده نشد.
- امروز روز تولد نرگس است و هیچ کدام از اعضای خانواده حتی در داخل ایران هم نتوانستند تولدش را تبریک بگویند.
نرگس جان تولدت مبارک
برادرت مهدی
اول اردیبهشت ۱۴۰۳
نرگس عزیزم
صدایت را هم از ما دریغ کرده اند.
امروز روز تولد توست و ۱۴۴ روز است که صدایت را نشنیده ام.
به یادت هستم. تولدت مبارک
رویا – خواهرت
اول اردیبهشت ۱۴۰۳
نرگس جان.
روز تولدت توست.
میدانم که دلتنگ شنیدن صدای بابا جان بودی ولی اجازه ندادند قبل از رفتنش بتوانی با او خداحافظی کنی. میدانم که چشمهایت پر از اشک بود و نگذاشتند که صدای خواهر و برادر آرامت کند. بدان که روز تولدت تو بهترین روز زندگی خانواده ات است و قلب ما همیشه با تو است. تولدت مبارک.
برادرت حمید
۱۴۰۳ اول اردیبهشت

Narges Mohammadi’s family home back in Zanjan – Iran.